Many Rooms, Many Voices

Posted by on Sep 15, 2014 in Announcements | No Comments


Staying in a motel can be pretty exciting. Sometimes, as we all know, it can be too exciting. Our Motel is a bit Brigadoonish, appearing and reappearing in different guises, except that we expect it will be a little grittier, at least from time to time. It’s not that the towels won’t be clean, it’s that the voices might go straight through the walls. And that’s not a bad thing.

Throughout the year, our blog, or table talk, our Motel will feature different writers talking about writing and books. We’ll feature a different writer every two or three weeks.  We hope you’ll find this new part of the Hotel Amerika gallery of features alluring, and support the magazine by subscribing, and donating, to help us tarry forth. This is an exciting time for us as we transition at the end of the 2014-2015 year to our partnership with the University of Nebraska Press.

Hotel Amerika enters its fourteenth year as a literary magazine known for challenging generic boundaries, and also publishing some of the most outstanding essays, poetry, prose poetry, and experimental fiction around. We’re glad you’re here, right now, and it means something rather special to us that you give us your attention.

David Lazar, Editor

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